Which eminent personality died the same day as Mahatma Gandhi?

Orville Wright is considered as the ‘father of modern aviation’. Together with his brother Wilbur, he invented the first airplane. He developed flight technology for the United States Army. Mahatma Gandhi, an international figure symbolizing peace, the Father of the Indian Nation, ushered in the Indian independence through non-violent means. Both Orville Wright and Mahatma Gandhi died …

An Independent Government in Tamluk, West Bengal

During the Quit India Movement, a parallel government was established in Tamluk, West Bengal, called the Tamralipta Jatiya Sarkar, an independent government. The Tamralipta Jatiya Sarkar was really active since it set up Police Stations, Military Departments, Courts and even a system for revenue collection. The Government functioned from December 17, 1942 to August 8, 1944. It was dissolved …

Born between peace and terror

Eminent physicist Albert Einstein was born in the year 1879. Mahatma Gandhi, the apostle of peace, was born in 1869 and Adolf Hitler, the epitome of terror, in 1889. Hence the expression that Einstein was born between peace and terror. Einstein admired Mahatma Gandhi. He even expressed this admiration in a letter written in 1931 addressed to the Indian …